The pre-application period for the Maanmittarikilta election is open and will continue until the 6th of November. You can apply with the form below. This is how the application works:

  1. Introduce yourself to the different tasks of the guilds. You can find the descriptions for example here.
  2. Fill out the form before the 6th of November 11 pm. You can apply until the 16th of November at 11 pm for the officials elected after the guild’s election meeting.
  3. Write a short description of yourself. Who are you and why are you applying for the task? If you are applying for multiple tasks, you can write different descriptions for each task if you want. You can also send a picture of yourself (square) if you want. Send your descriptions and the picture to the chair Riina on Telegram @mittariina .
  4. Answer questions about your task. Riina will send these questions to you if you have some.
  5. Attend the Election meeting on the 7th of November. Not compulsory but very recommended. The election meeting is held in Finnish.

Application form:

    Puheenjohtaja/ChairVarapuheenjohtaja/Vice ChairRahastonhoitaja/TreasurerFuksikapteeni/Fuksi CaptainMaisterikapteeni/Master’s Student CaptainOpintomestari/Master of StudiesIE/The HostsPäätoimittaja/Geometres’ Editor in chiefYrityssuhdemestari/Master of Corporate RelationsUlko- ja kulttuurimestari/Master of Culture and External RelationsTiedottaja/Communicator

    Vastuutoimihenkilöt / Responsibility officials:
    Webbiwelho/Web WizardLiikuntavastaava/Sports CoordinatorISOvastaava/Tutor CoordinatorMaisteri-ISOvastaava/Master Student’s Tutor CoordinatorAbivastaava/Abi responsiblePäälukkari/Head of Song LeadersMaakansallisbaletin taiteellinen johtaja/Artistic Director of the MaakansallisbalettiKillan entinen/Guardian ad litem

    Vaaleissa valittavat toimihenkilövirat/ The officials elected in guild’s election meeting:
    Excuvastaava/Excursion coordinatorRIL-TEK-yhdyshenkilö/Guild’s contact person for RIL and TEKMonttutonttu/Monttu-gnomeSomevastaava/Social content creatorMAIK-vastaava/MAIK-responsibleHupisuunnittelija/Amusement and Culture AssistantsApuIEToiminnantarkastaja/Operations inspector

    Jatkohaussa valittavat toimihenkilövirat (16.11. asti) / The officials elected after guild’s election meeting (application period until 16.11.):
    Maakansantietäjä/Scholar of MaakansaHäirintäyhdyshenkilö/Harassment contact personWebbiapuri/Web Wizard's helpersGraafikko/Graphic DesignerKuvaaja/PhotographerLiikuntatutor/Sport tutorYrityssuhdesihteeri/Corporate relations assistantAlumnivastaava/Alumni responsibleAbulainen/Abi responsible's helpersLukkari/Song leaderLukkarikisälli/Song Leader Apprentice


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