124. Kevätpäiväntasaus

124. Kevätpäiväntasaus

Getting tired of your summer job and starting to miss your guild friends? Worry no more! It’s time for MK’s traditional summer days, Kesäpäivänpäräys.

This year Kesäpäivänpäräys is a one-day event held at Sauna Tapiola on 27.7. 🌞 The event starts at 18 o’clock and lasts until 23 o’clock, so one can either continue the evening with mittari friends elsewhere or head back home for a good night’s sleep. The evening will include e.g. sauna and a quick sitsit.

There are 30 seats available for 12 €.

WHEN: 27.7., 18-23
WHERE: Sauna Tapiola, Länsituulentie 1 A, 4th floor
PRICE: 12€
WHAT: quick sitsit, sauna and mittari friends
WHY: because mittarit and summer! 🌞

The sign up has closed on 21.7.




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