Hey you!

Do you like to have fun? Do you want to get to know new people? Do you want to have the best time of your life? It is time to sign up for being international master tutor in 2018! The sign up is open 1.-18.3.2018.

The master tutor is the guide for new master freshmen in Real Estate Economics, Spatial Planning and Transportation Engineering and also Creative Sustainability. All you need is to be available the orientation week and the week before (27.8.-9.9.2018), have fun and welcome warmly the new people to our community. Tutoring is easy and awesome! Just sign up here and answer shortly these questions.

If you have any questions, please contact Master Tutor Coordinator Paula Riipi / paula.riipi (at) aalto.fi / TG: @iltapala / 044-0391011

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