Here you might find answers to most typical questions about starting your studies in Aalto University. If you can’t find answer from here or Studies pages, contact Master’s Student Captain or any other member of board. Contact information of these you will find from page contact. You might also find answers to your questions from the freshmen guide Guild Guide, which you can find here: For Bachelor’s Fuksis or for Master’s Freshmen

Orientation week

What happens on the first day?
The first day of school in orientation week starts with a breakfast offered by the school in the U-wing of Undergraduate Center (Otakaari 1). Then there’s a lecture in hall U2. After that bachelor and master freshmen have separate programs, both including getting to know the school, fellow students and tutors. Mandatory lectures end at 4pm, but you should definitely stay in Otaniemi the whole evening as the guild organizes a nice event on the evening. There you get to know better other freshmen, both master and bachelor, as well as older guild members!

What happens during the orientation week?
During the orientation week there are all kind of lecture which will introduce you to the school, to your master’s program and all the practical things you need to know. There are also much more to do and see during the orientation week than just lectures. The whole point of the orientation week is to help you to get a good start in your studies and living in Otaniemi/Finland. We strongly encourage you to participate in the events starting from the first weeks, they will be the best weeks of your life!

Do I have to sign up for courses before school starts?
The actual courses start after the orientation week, which you will enroll with the help of your tutor during the first week. So, you don’t need to enroll to any courses before the school starts. You can always get help with the enrolling to courses from your tutors, Master’s Student captain or other older guild members.

Random questions

When and what is head start?
Head start is an event that is held for the freshmen couple weeks before the school starts. There you get to know your classmates and older students as well. There is a head start for all freshmen which is organized together with the Guild of Civil Engineering and the Guild of Architects. Master freshmen are also invited to an after-work head start, which is held in MK’s guild room in Otakaari 3.

How to get a place to stay?
You can apply student-apartments from AYY through Domo-system or from HOAS through their web sites. You can, and you should, apply for the apartment right after you have accepted your spot in Aalto. Take the first offer you get, you might not get a second one before the school starts! AYY also organizes emergency housing in the first days for those who don’t have a place to stay when the school starts. There will be a warm place to sleep for everyone, so don’t hesitate to come to Otaniemi right when the orientation week starts!

What supplies will I need during my studies?
Most master freshmen won’t have Math, Physics or Chemistry, but if you are interested in those, you need a calculator. But all of the freshmen will need some paper and pen to write notes. Also, getting your own laptop is a good idea to help making notes and participate in group works. Of course everyone has their own best way to learn new things, so we encourage you to try different techniques to find the most suitable for you. After getting your Aalto-account, you can download the Microsoft Office packet for free.

What about my other questions?
All new master freshmen will be sent a Guild Guide which has a lot of information. It can be also found from the “New students” section on the websites. If you still have some questions, you can always contact your Master’s Student Captain or any other board member. You can find their information on the “Contacts” part of the websites.

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